Fuentes XML

XML feeds.

At Football Feeds we have been offering our football data in XML feeds since our company’s inception in 2012.

XML, standing for Extensible Markup Language, serves as both a markup language and a file format designed for the storage, transmission, and reconstruction of diverse data types.

With our XML feed you will be able to retrieve our comprehensive football data with a few commands, and thus ensure that your digital platform remains consistently.

You can find some examples from our XML feed below, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any inquiries concerning its implementation, or if you have any questions about our XML feed in general.

If XML feeds is not your preference, you can find more information about our well-established JSON feeds here.

If you want to explore our full documentation you can find it here.

Ejemplos de fuentes XML

También tenemos fuentes JSON

JSON feeds.

Obtenga más información sobre nuestros feeds JSON.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy